Weekly Challenge: Everyday life.

You may recall from my post yesterday that I failed to meet my grand visions for this weeks photo challenge! Well fail is too strong a word, I do love the photos I posted yesterday, I just had a picture in my mind of what I wanted and didn´t get an opportunity to capture it in real life! Well I´m delighted to inform you that I have a few more humble offerings for you today. One, the first one, meeting the high expectations I had for myself! I hope you enjoy my everyday life: take two!

Street Life:

When I first saw this challenge on Friday I instantly wanted an image of a typical elderly Spanish person. I don´t know what it is about the Spanish; but they age spectacularly. They have the most amazing faces, filled with character. When you look at them, you know they have lived life to the full and have some amazing tales to tell. Already on a high from the excitement of the day, if you can´t tell – beauty turns me into a little child, you can imagine how I reacted when I saw this handsome man resting his eyes while taking shelter from the midday sun. I would have done a dance but then I would have missed this great photo opportunity!
A beautiful image of a man enjoying his daily swim under a highly appealing waterfall, now that´s what I call a good life!
Lovers Lane: A beautiful display on affection, love is everywhere, sometimes you just need to open your eyes that little bit wider!

What a way to spend a sunny afternoon: perched on a rock at the side of a waterfall. This is my vision of heaven!


This photo is very bad quality, I do apologise, but I loved it! We were driving past a car park on a bus when I saw these three kids hanging about, I loved it! But a moving bus and limited time after turning on my camera meant I had to sacrifice quality for this beauty of everyday life!

I´m happy now, mission accomplished: one photo of an elderly Spanish person, fantastic! I hope you enjoyed these photos as much as I enjoyed taking them!

To see what other bloggers have come up with for this weeks challenge click here.

 What did you think of this weeks theme? Did you have fun with it?

As always, thank you for reading,

Until the next time,

