Two birds with one stone: Award time!

A special thank you to Coreen over at Picture Perfect Memories for this nomination!
A special thank you to Eva over at Healthy Glow Nutrition for this nomination!

It´s happened again, I´ve been nominated for the “One Lovely Blog Award” and also the “Family of Bloggers Award”. I can honestly say I´m overwhelmed with the support and encouragement from my fellow bloggers, I´m honoured to accept these awards from two bloggers that I admire, Coreen and Eva.

Coreen is a very talented photographer living in Cape Town with her husband of 17 years and her two boys. Coreen´s blog is an inspirational collection of photographs each with a story to tell. It is obvious from her work that she puts her heart and soul into each shot and I would highly recommend checking out her blog!

Eva is “a mother, holistic nutritionist, and lover of all things healthy and delicious.” Eva’s blog is a passionate blog and again, like Coreen´s, inspirational. Eva’s appreciation for life and passion for motivating people to lead healthier, happier lives is evident from her work and makes it a pleasure to read. If you are interested in finding alternatives to unhealthy foods then I recommend checking out this blog, there is also the most amazing recipe for donuts, who doesn´t love donuts?

As I have received the “One lovely Blog Award” three times now, I decided to do both of these awards together; however, I will follow the instructions for the Family of Bloggers Award instead of the “One Lovely Blog Award” just to offer some variety! I hope you enjoy! Here it goes:

For the Family of Bloggers Award:

  1.   Pay credit to the one who nominated you
  2.   Place a link to the one who nominated you on your award page
  3.   Using the anagram of the word ‘FAMILY’ tell us the attributes you bring to the family of bloggers
  4.   Nominate at least 4 other people to be in your family of bloggers and notify them of their nomination.

I tried using the anagram of the word family; however, perhaps due to my inability to do anagrams, failed to come up with any attributes from the word. I was able to come up with the following: fail, my, aim, fly, if, I´m, fay and mil. Hardly attributes that I could use so; I decided to take the letters from the word and use them to form adjectives instead. ( I actually found it rather difficult to describe my blog, I´d never really though about it in these terms before!) So; I hope you can forgive me for not using an anagram but instead inventing my own approach to the task! Enjoy:

Friendly: I would like to think that my blog is a friendly and welcoming blog. I´m passionate about Spain and my life here and love sharing what this country has to offer. I welcome all comments and readers and if I can help in any way with information then I try!

Alive: I try my best to capture the spirit and passion that is Spain, sometimes I fail, sometimes I don´t but one thing´s for sure my passion is most certainly alive whether it comes across or not!

Memoir: This blog is most certainly a memoir. I provide an account of Spain from my personal experience and share it with my readers. For me Spain, through the good and bad times, has been such a positive life changing experience. I never want to forget that and I also want to encourage others to experience it with me!

Inspiring: Not through my words, obviously I don´t think what I write is inspiring, but through my actions, Two years ago I was inspired to follow my dream and come to Spain, while it hasn´t always been a walk in the park, it has been one of the best decisions I´ve ever made. So I would hope that my experience might inspire other people to follow their dreams, life is too short not to, and anyway, what´s the worst that could happen? You end up right back where you started expect this time without regrets!

Light-hearted: I would hope that my humour comes across in my blog. I´ve yet to learn so much about writing and expressing myself through my work. However, I hope that my posts don´t come across too serious!

Young: My blog is still very young, growing, developing and changing. This is something that it has to offer, the fact that it´s not perfect, never will be, but constantly changing and trying to be the best it can be!

Blogs I have chosen to nominate: This is in no particular order, I have limited my choice to eight so I have left out some of my other favourites, I´m sorry! I have also left out blogs who I know would rather not get involved in awards. So without further delay here is my very narrowed down list of the blogs I have nominated, congratulations and if you choose not to accept I will not be offended!

The Island Traveler.

Another day in Paradise.

East of Málaga. 


Picture Perfect Memories.

Focused Moments.

My Sardinian Life/ La Mia Vita Sarda.


Have you ever received a blog award? What do you think of them?

As always, thank you for reading,

Until the next time,



11 thoughts on “Two birds with one stone: Award time!

  1. Congrats on your well deserved awards, Giana, and thank you so much for choosing me as one of your eight recipients. I’m honoured indeed. 🙂 I think your blog is all the things you describe in your acrostic descriptions. I think that acrostic is probably what was meant, not anagram. 🙂


    1. I think you´re right, it would be next to impossible to do this post if you chose to do it using the anagram descriptions, but then again I´m bad at both so I´m not the best judge! You´re more than welcome for the nomination and thank you so much for your kind words about my descriptions! Giana 🙂


  2. First of all, congratulations on receiving your “Family of Bloggers Award” – it is very well deserved, Giana. I have only just found your blog recently, but it is indeed all the things you describe and somewhere I love to escape to read all about what you have been doing.

    I am honoured to accept your nomination for the Award 🙂


    1. Thank you so much Marianne for your kind words! I´m delighted that you enjoy reading my blog and so happy that you have accepted the nomination! I really enjoy your blog, I love reading about parts of Spain I have yet to discover and you really do a great job at presenting them! Have a great weekend, Giana 🙂


  3. Congratulations my friend. Your blog is like a breathe of fresh air and an inspiring new day’s sunshine. You are passionate in what you do and it shows in your posts. You captured the most beautiful images followed with words that gave them more life. Thanks for sharing these awards. It is an honor.


  4. Congratulations and thank you for all your kind words 🙂 I love your blog and always look forward to your posts. I realized that I was not receiving an email when you post anything new, so I just fixed that 🙂


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